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Saturday, March 19, 2011

How the Four Seasons Hotel Palo Alto uses social media for customer service

It is pleasant to remark that some hotel truly understands the way of using the social media. There is only Four Seasons hotel groups to have this sense of customer service and attention even out of their establishment.
This week I’ve wrote that one of the Four Saison’s hotel answer quickly to a customer’s tweet who was saying that he was so exciting in being to the Four Saisons Hotel Palo Alto spa to relax after his long day. The hotel quickly replies to his tweet by proposing him to make a reservation.
In reading the article, I was amazed by the hotel’s reaction. That is what we can call “customer care”. They deliver unique service to this client; furthermore they enhance their host’s unique experiences.

Social media is not only a tool to promote and to communicate about the hotel. It is also a way of engagement and human being relation. I really like this approach of service. They create a real relationship by listening the customer’s need.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The ROI of video on hotel websites.

Internet by itself represents a second world. How can hoteliers deal with this tool in order to be known and to be different than their competitors. Indeed, hotels have to find new ideas and interesting way of communicating their brand. For theses raisons, it is important to value all the different aspect of doing it. Nowadays, more and more hoteliers are using videos in their website in order to attract costumers’ curiosities. But this action has a cost, for that this week I will discuss on videos ROI for hoteliers.

Internet users are extremely interested by videos; some statistics confirm the increase of its absorption. So, there is a huge potential by doing it. Nonetheless, it is important to measure how people interact with videos. By doing so, hoteliers will gather some useful data that can be leveraged to take action in order to increase traffic and conversion.  

It’s very difficult to put an exact dollar figure on video’s ROI but in another hand it participates directly in public relation, human resource, sales, and advertising. With foresight and a smart planning, the video can sometime solve business problems.

I think it is almost impossible to define exactly the videos’ ROI, but we can be sure that it will bring value. Regarding the competition, the video is a must have in hotels’ websites, nowadays. And, the ROI could be measure by the attractiveness of the websites.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Video about Google Places.

Another video that will be necessary to better understand what Google places means. Enjoy in looking at it.

klout video to understand how it works

I find interesting to share this video with you in order to better understand how Klout work. I hope it will clarify your doubt.

My Klout score on tweeter.

I was curious to know how I perform on tweeter. Here you are my scores and the comment about my interaction on tweeter.

Regarding my result, it demonstrates that my interactivity on tweeter is very low. It's completely true, usually I share on tweeter once or twice a week. There datas are relevant. It's amazing that they can measure how often we interact and how influent we are.

How can a hotel use Klout scores to improve customer communications?

Thanks to the Klout scores hotels have a great tool to measure their online activity effectiveness. They can adapt their messages to their customers related to the importance of the interactions concerning a given subject. Equally, with this tool they will know what kind of topics clients like to interact with. And finally, hoteliers should record all their scores like that they will establish a list who will classify the topics that work the best and the least.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How to recruit a social media assistant

Nowadays the social media represents a huge marketing tool and we can see that hoteliers are recruiting people to develop their brand awareness and also their online community. The article I’ve found this week will give you some ideas on which elements hotels could hire social media assistant. Here you are some of them:
- Hire college student in order to write things to do in the city or in the hotel’s area few hours each week.
- Excellent writing skills.
- Evaluate their networking skills by reading their blog or tweeter account.
- Check at the candidate Klout score to measure how influent he is
- The interest and the passion about social media
These few criteria will be the base for hoteliers to recruit future social media assistant.
I think by doing so, hoteliers are looking at profiles that will attract fans curiosity, engagement, trust and loyalty to their brand. In this type of job the C.V is not the most important while the blog, tweeter account and others social media are decisive. This position can be extremely influential on hotels' brand awareness and online reputation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Social media's result seen by Hard Rock Hotel

I've found interesting to share with you this video: Have a look at it and tell me you though.