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Monday, March 7, 2011

How to recruit a social media assistant

Nowadays the social media represents a huge marketing tool and we can see that hoteliers are recruiting people to develop their brand awareness and also their online community. The article I’ve found this week will give you some ideas on which elements hotels could hire social media assistant. Here you are some of them:
- Hire college student in order to write things to do in the city or in the hotel’s area few hours each week.
- Excellent writing skills.
- Evaluate their networking skills by reading their blog or tweeter account.
- Check at the candidate Klout score to measure how influent he is
- The interest and the passion about social media
These few criteria will be the base for hoteliers to recruit future social media assistant.
I think by doing so, hoteliers are looking at profiles that will attract fans curiosity, engagement, trust and loyalty to their brand. In this type of job the C.V is not the most important while the blog, tweeter account and others social media are decisive. This position can be extremely influential on hotels' brand awareness and online reputation.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed, when you see the work to be done and the importance of on-line social medias, you better hire somebody with good skills.

    Plus, nowadays, it becomes a full-time job to take care of the medias !
