This week I had read many articles and I had found this one interesting to comment on.
This article discusses about how to take advantage of negative reviews into positive change for hotels. The hoteliers seem worried about their customer’s reviews given that they can’t control what will be said online about them but in the other hand they have all the tools to respond correctly and to adapt their action in order to use the comments positively for their hotels.
Here you are some suggestions that could help hoteliers to take a positive spin on negative reviews:
1) Speak up
2) Engage
3) Show leadership
4) Take the high road
5) Make reputation management a priority
6) Create a cycle of positivity
7) Prevent escalation
8) Take the good with the bad
I think, it is an honour and a chance for hoteliers the increase in online of customers’ feedback. The criticisms permit to go forward.
Hotels used to hire mystery shoppers to see what they are doing wrong and now thanks to the new online trend they could also receive many comments that allow them to improve their actions toward guests’ satisfactions. In my point of view, this increase will enhance the services into the hotels and that thanks to the costumers’ contributions as well. With that in mind, the hoteliers don’t have any excuses to don’t correct their errors.
Are the criticisms good for the hotels brand image? What does happen if the hoteliers don’t take seriously the negative reviews on their property? Could that impact the hotel occupancy rate?
I may say that theses questions should be in hoteliers’ mind when answering or not to the negative reviews in order to measure the impacts.
Thank you for reading my blog and posting comments.