Hotels are using more and more social media tool as marketing, however they should keep using the email marketing.
Nowadays, hoteliers are using email marketing strategies differently than it use to be. They are trying to develop quality list of name rather than increasing the number of subscribers. Of course having a huge amount of subscribers can lead to increase the hotel community but we have to keep in mind that costumers’ habit have changed. It’s a constraint for clients to look at their email given that everyday they receive thousand of spamy email.
Email marketing has to be effective, for this reason this article presents some interesting tips in order to develop proficiently email list.
Here you are some email tactics that deliver value to the costumers:
- Download materials
- Purchase products
- Blogs and published articles
Even is email marketing is not the major strategy for hoteliers it still important to use it. Developing an email list allows hoteliers to keep their existing loyal costumers.
With the increasing of social media trend, does the email marketing will perpetuate?